They are loud. They like to drink. There are a lot of them.

At the beginning of time there was no music, there was only a train trestle. But then, a number of bands disbanded in rapid succession leaving 7 musicians without a creative outlet. That's when Dave brought them together. And although it would be nearly 2 more years before we became conscious of Dave's existence, he was a tireless leader from the beginning. 

They continued for a while with 6 members together and 1 remotely and a few months later, gained an 8th member due to the fortuitous timing of an unwanted trip to a craft shop, that coincided with one of their rehearsals. This 8 member iteration of the band lasted for many gigs, and the full awakening of Dave, but Dave needed more. Thankfully a walk on Goodfoots down Hot Pants Road to do the Alligator Boogaloo with a Witch Doctor brought the last two members and finalized iNCO FIdO, finally Dave was satiated and they were delivered here to Katzulhu. 


**SOLD OUT** Live From 222 Ormsby Volume 3


LIMITED RELEASE!! From the venerable and aromatic 222 Ormsby comes this third volume of music recorded live and in person. iNCO FIdO played every song from their 2021 release "Hope Hollow" in front of a demanding crowd and delivered. Grab a piece of history on vinyl before they are gone!

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** SOLD OUT** Hope Hollow